The Feldenkrais Children’s Project Mostar started September 2023 with a lecture and introduction followed by two days of Feldenkrais Lessons for children with with developmental disabilities.
This event was made possible thanks to the generous support of Udruga za nedonoščad Mostar and its president.
This project is part of Feldenkrais without Borders, which is an international group of Feldenkrais and Anat Baniel Method for Children teachers committed to making the work of Dr. Feldenkrais accessible to as many children with disabilities as possible.
"Nakon lekcije moja kćerka mnogo se više trudi, ne odustaje tako lako kao prije. Življa je i počela je da bude mnogo komunikativnija. Ona komentariše sve što radi, što takođe ranije nije radila.“
Majka 16-godišnjakinje sa trizomijom 21, pola godine nakon jedne Feldenkraisove lekcije
"Vor den Feldenkrais Lektionen machte mein Sohn kaum mehr Fortschritte und ich machte mir Sorgen deswegen. Nach nur drei Feldenkrais Lektionen machte er einen erstaunlichen Entwicklungsschub. Sogar die Logopädin war sehr beeindruckt."
Mutter eines 3-jährigen mit verzögerter Sprachentwicklung
"Als wir mit Feldenkrais begonnen haben, waren die Spastiken meines Sohnes (damals 6 Jahre alt) sehr gross. Er war steif wie ein Brett und nicht bequem in Bauchlage. Inzwischen ist er sehr viel beweglicher, findet Komfort in verschiedenen Positionen, hat mehr Kontrolle über seinen Kopf und Absichten, d.h. zielgerichtete Bewegungen sind erkennbar."
Mutter eines Jungen mit sehr starker Cerebraler Parese
Help us to make the work of Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais accessible to as many children with disabilities as possible.
E-Mail: info (at)
WhatsApp: +41 (0)79 787 72 55 (text messages only / samo tekstualne poruke)
You can write in English, German, French or Bosnian (I have help for translations). / Možete pisati na engleskom, njemačkom, francuskom ili bosanskom (imam pomoć za prijevode).
Past Events
Mostar (BiH) 2024
April 25 and/or 26, 2024 – Short parents Workshops: “The power of movement with attention to improve motor, sensory and cognitive functions”
April 27. – 30.04.2024: Individual Feldenkrais Lessons Functionl Integration for special needs children
Many thanks to Udruga za nedonoščad Mostar for making those events possible.
Mostar (BiH) 2023
10. September 2023 – Lecture and introduction: Children with developmental disabilities: What does the brain need to learn? To bring order to chaos?
You will find the script of the lecture in the “Downloads” section.
11. & 12. September 2023 – Individual Lessons for Children Individual appointment bookings after the introductory lecture on Sunday
Many thanks to Udruga za nedonoščad Mostar for making those events possible.